Length and Type of presentations




Academic Research Papers
Case Study
MA or PhD Research Colloquium

30 minutes (20-25 minutes maximum for presentation, with at least 5-10 minutes for Q & A, which will be moderated by the session chair.

A formal presentation of an ongoing or completed pedagogical / theoretical research on the use of up-to-date approaches of technology in EFL learning and teaching.


40  (30 minutes maximum for presentation with at least 5-10 minutes for Q & A, which will be moderated by the session chair.

An interactive session introducing / showcasing / discussing any up-to-date approaches to the use of technology in foundation and ELT programs with experience sharing and engaging activities / tasks.

Poster Presentation

15 minutes During coffee break on Day 1 of the conference

A visual display of pedagogical / theoretical research work on up-to-date approaches to the use of technology in EFL learning and teaching with informal discussion with the audience.
There are no facilities in the Poster Forum for electronic equipment, such as the internet.
The size of a poster presentation should be A0 ( 841mm x 1189 mm; orientation: portrait) made up of a maximum of 3  sheets.
Posters can include any relevant visuals or academically descriptive objects, where color is visually optimal.
Posters must be clear, concise, and simple, with large fonts, with the title of the project, and author information (name and affiliation)