Prof. Luiz Claudio Costa

Prof. Luiz Claudio Costa

President of IREG Observatory and Academic Ranking and Excellence, Academic Vice Rector of IESB University Prof. Luiz Claudio Costa is the former Minister of Education, Federal Government of Brazil, the former Rector of Federal University of Viçosa. He was also the former President of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP), […]


President of IREG Observatory and Academic Ranking and Excellence, Academic Vice Rector of IESB University

Prof. Luiz Claudio Costa is the former Minister of Education, Federal Government of Brazil, the former Rector of Federal University of Viçosa. He was also the former President of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP), Brazil and the former Vice President of the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) of OECD. He obtained his PhD from the Reading University (UK) currently serves as Academic Vice Rector of IESB University, Brazil.